
Feminist Literary Theory focuses on the role of women in literature.

The Principles of Feminist Literary Theory 

  • Acknowledges that Western society is patriarchal: it is a male centred society of which men are dominant and women are secondary to men in all cultural domains (economically, socially, politically, and psychologically).
  • Feminists argue that the oppression, marginalization, subordination, and objectification of women is a historical fact and these present injustices are mirrored in literature.
    • Marginalize: To adapt to an insignificant or powerless position in society.
    • Subordination: To be of a lower or inferior class/rank. Subject to the rule/authority of another (man).
    • Objectification: presentation of women as “objects” without regard for intelligence, personality or ability.


Questions to Ask when Making a Feminist Reading

  • What role do the female characters play in the text? Are they marginal characters?
    Subordinate to males?
  • How do the female characters perceive themselves in the text?
  • How do the male characters perceive the female characters in the text?
  • Is the portrayal of women sexist?
  • Are there any gender stereotypes portrayed in the text and if so, what are they? Do
    they give power to a gender, or do they suppress a gender?
  • What is the nature of the relationship between the male and female characters?
  • Are there any indications of the author’s attitude toward women?
  • What were the social and historical conditions for women in this period that might
    help us understand their roles and desires in the text?